Committee for Secondary Education and Olympiads

Committee for Secondary Education and Olympiads

The Committee of Secondary Education and Olympiads of Biological Society of Cyprus (CBS) aims to strengthen the contribution of Biology and Biologists to Secondary Education and the International and National Olympiads.

The Committee of Secondary Education and Olympiads of Biological Society of Cyprus (CBS) is composed exclusively of members of CBS who work in the field of Secondary Education and Olympiads or are interested in the field of Secondary Education and Olympiads. According to the Constitution of CBS, at least one member of the Governing Body should participate in each committee. The committee acts as an auxiliary body of the CBS and its decisions are of recommendation and advisory nature to the CBS, which has the final say on any decision.

If you are a member of CBS and wish to participate in the CBS Committee of Secondary Education and Olympiads contact the CBS Governing Body at email:


The Committee is co-chaired by:

  • Dr Demetrios Mappouras

    First Officer of Education, Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth

  • Mikis Hadjineophytou (MSc)

    Biologists, former Teacher at the Paedagogical Institute of Cyprus