Position on Scientific Issues

Position on Scientific Issues

CBS always publishes its scientific positions in all issues related to Biology and various fields of Biology. The objective of this is:

  • Promotion and support of Biology
  • Participation in the promotion of Biosciences, research and applications
  • Promotion of research and applications of Biosciences, in a broader sense, as well as, education in the relevant fields.
  • Participation in the development of the biological wealth of Cyprus, in the study and application of programs for the protection of nature and the environment and the protection of the health of the population
  • The promotion and enhancement of the professional status of the members of CBS
  • The legal consolidation of the profession of Biologists in Cyprus through the setting up and signing of collective work contracts for the members of CBS
  • The protection of the professional interests of the members of CBS

Further down find the scientific views of CBS on specific issues:

1. Note to the Parliamentary Health Committee regarding the Directors of Biomedical Labs

2. On the insufficiency of the single (1) period assigned to Biology for form A of Lyceums – Unfair deal for Biology

3. Covid-19 pandemic and Biological Literacy

For more information please contact us: info@cbs.cy
